Inspired by the 1990's animated series, Marvel's mightiest mutants—the X-Men—arrive to save the day in their first ever Little Golden Book! Perfect for kids 2 to 5 as well as collectors and fans of all ages.
Born with amazing mutant abilities and trained by Dr. Charles Xavier, the X-men stand ready to defend the world even though that world doesn't always trust them. These action-packed full-color pages will introduce Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Cyclops and the other mutants on their team as well as their friends and foes. Kids 2 to 5—along with Marvel fan and collectors—will love this Little Golden Book based on X-men: The Animated Series.
Little Golden Books feature beloved classics, and new original stories . . . the classics of tomorrow.
Product Details
Audience: Age 2-5 years
Education Grade Range: Up to Kindergarten
Author: Arie Kaplan
Illustrated by: Shane Clester
Publisher: RH Childrens Books Golden Books
ISBN: 9780593807071
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 24 pages
Dimensions: 6.63 "W x 8.06 "H x 0.22 "D
Weight: 4 Oz
ARIE KAPLAN is the author of several fiction and nonfiction books. As a nonfiction author, Arie is best known for his award-winning From Krakow to Krypton: Jews and Comic Books, which is available now from the Jewish Publication Society.
SHANE CLESTER has been a professional illustrator since 2005. He currently lives in Florida with his wonderful wife and their two tots. When not illustrating, he can usually be found by his in-laws' pool.
Children's Fiction, Infant & Toddler, Picture Books, More Picture Books, License & Brand Publishing, Little Golden Books